"I Just don't have the time anymore to ride it and have to many projects going on right now that are taking up my time".
This line was lifted from a Craigslist ad for the pictured Honda 700S. Really, you don’t have time to ride your motorcycle. Since when did people have to make extra time to ride their bikes. Can’t you use your bike to go places you would ordinarily drive a car? What kind of projects do you have that are gumming up the works so bad they are preventing you from riding your bike. Other than repairing or rebuilding the only bike you own, I cannot come up with a answer to that question.
I see this line in way too many ads. (I spend way too much time perusing motorcycle ads, a sickness of mine). I think what they really mean by this is, they like the idea of riding a motorcycle, just not the practice of riding a motorcycle. It’s too hot, it’s too cold. It’s raining, the skies are blue and the sun is shining. Not to appear less than Manley to buyers that like to ride motorcycles, they have to come up with some excuse as to why they are selling a perfectly functioning bike. Myself, I really don’t care why you’re selling your bike, I just want to know the condition and the price.
Those who ride on a regular basis, do so regardless of weather conditions and time concerns, they ride because it is part of their fabric. Myself I can’t help it, I ride almost everywhere I go. I am compelled to do so, I have to ride my motorcycle. It’s not just because I want to, I need to. I really don’t need to explain this to those of you who feel the way I do, I probably couldn’t explain it anyway. To tell the truth, I really don’t know why, I just know the way riding makes me feel. I can’t find a substitute for it anywhere.
Now I know everyone doesn’t feel the way I do about riding and motorcycles. There are those who feel the same way about bowling. That’s fine, I do not begrudge any legal activity to those who find pleasure in participating in that activity whatever it may be. I have tried plenty that didn’t get my flag a flying, bowling, cross-country skiing, running, alligator wresting, figure skating, you get the picture. The people that love these endeavors do so for the same reasons you and I ride.
If riding motorcycles is not for you, you don’t need to have an excuse for it to sell your bike. Just point out the fine points of the bike and give a price, someone will come along and take it off your hands just the same. If your asked why your selling it, tell the truth, I’m really not into it. People will understand, we all try things that don’t blow our hair back, just keep trying and eventually something will. I used to have a red and black '84 700S back in '86-'90, I just hope that this 700S finds a owner who can find the time to take Her dancing.
Till Next Time..................
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